Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14,2009

Congrats to my son, Dana!!!!

Bragging rights here! Dana... my 16 year old son... in Grade 11.. is on the Executive of his School's Senate. He does a lot of volunteer work... and practically runs his school. You know the type. The teachers say routinely... "Dana... no. Someone else can do that. You do too much". His answer is equally routine.. "But nobody else has volunteered, and it needs to get done". lol He ran for Board Trustee for his grade 12 year. It's a paid position on the Catholic School Board. You need to have a letter of reference from your priest.. just to run. He wasn't going to run, but the teachers convinced him. Why was he not going to run? The girl who was already running, was one of the most popular kids in school. So, he just didn't see the point. He considered running for President... but two of his friends were running, and again... one was one of the most popular kids in school. But... he let himself be convinced, knowing that they would probably give him Senate Chair when he lost. He considered that a very important position, and he would be happy with that.

He texted home this morning. He was called down with all the other students who ran... to the Principal's office.

MY SON WON STUDENT TRUSTEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is beyond excited. And stunned. He can't believe it. The other girl ran an amazing campaign... had posters everywhere... did a great job... and is miss popularity. And yet.. my son won the position of Student Trustee for his grade 12 year. It is going to be such an incredible experience for him. Forget the few thousand he will earn. It will help him get into his chosen University. It will allow him to meet incredible people. And it will allow him to continue his volunteer work. I'm so proud of you, Dana Joseph Maximillian!!!! And thanks everyone... for letting me brag.

Here is Dana, with his Principal and Miss Toronto, from a publicity shot about a stuffed toy campaign where new and gently used stuffed animals will be distributed to the needy of Madagascar and Uganda, each containing a personal message from the donor. Ms Toronto brought it to the school, and Dana was one of the students to take it on.

What's Happening In Our Industry?

I'm very sad. Memory Makers is closing. We are losing so many wonderful stores, manufacturers, magazines, that I'm afraid at how the business is going to manage to continue... and in what form?

As the owner of an Advertising Agency, we see a lot of these trends. Trade magazines shutting down, or going completely online... newspapers amalgamating, or just shutting down.. or again.. going online. Gone is the feel of the print in your hands. The smell of the hard copy. The sense of something tangible. Nothing against online. I obviously am a fan... look where I am! However... we need both. We need to ensure that we don't lose connection to the past... to where it all began. I've been published, for example... both online and in magazines. Both in newspapers (written) and their online counterpart... and both have their place. I do, however.. love the ability to keep copies on my shelf. I'm a bit of a packrat... so... that matters to me. It doesn't make one better than the other. But there are some very tangible differences to address. The published word or print... has many laws attached... guiding what you say, print, copy, etc. In the offline world. The laws are much less stringent for online work. It's a fact. If we are going to continue moving in the direction we are moving in... than we need to address these lack of protection laws. North American rights etc.

Plus... we need to support what we want to maintain. One of my favourite magazines was MM. The styles they tended to publish, were closer to my style. I was inspired by the work in that magazine. And hey... what about...................

The Memory Makers Masters Competition

What's left? Where can we go now, to push ourselves for that elusive achievement. Yes.. we can push ourselves for the love of our family... and the love of the craft... but it's not the same thing. These contests.. for those who enjoyed them... really raised the bar. I liken it to going to the gym and being in a fitness class... versus working out alone at home. You are more likely to push yourself to keep up to those around you... than if you are all alone, nobody around to prove anything to. Again.. not for everybody. But for many of us.


tina werner said...

congrats to dana, you must be so proud of him sandie! such wonderful news!!!

Sandie said...

Thanks, Tina!! I am so proud I could bust!

Jen Martakis said...

That is so awesome!! Congrats to you both!!

As for MM and losing so much...It is very sad and I am scared for our industry. :(

Sandie said...

I am too, Jen. I can't help but wonder what this means for our industry's future... and what it means for those who might... or now.. might NOT get into it.

Pamela said...

Congrats to your son! Very cool! And I too am so sad about the loss of MM and the MMM contest.

Kate said...

Congrats to your Son!!! that is awesome! You should be so proud!

Crafts are a cycle they go up and down. people will always scrapbook they've done of since pictures were invented. It just might change a bit.