Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This Proud Moment Brought to you by CHANGE and the Number 17!

Today!   It's been an interesting few weeks, with all the changes I've mentioned.  Last night, for example, my son went to his very last meeting as Catholic School Board Trustee.  So.. Gary and I had to go and watch.  LOL  We watched him give his report, and watched them thank him for his service.  It was SOOOO sweet, and such a proud moment for us.  He was sitting there in his Crested jacket, and so confident at the grand old age of 17!!! 

Then,  when it was his turn to stand and give his report to his fellow Trustees, he stood proud, confident, bold, and clear.  I wanted to shout out.  "That's my baby!!"  lol  He was even confident enough to make a joke, and respond to questions. 

Lastly, they were called forward by the Director of Education, along with Father Chair (Father Noon), to receive an acclamation and Certificate.  I was fighting back my tears.

When the night was over, the Director of Education handed Dana a letter of reference.  This letter will go with his portfolio to his upcoming University, along with any jobs in future.  It's something to keep always.  We read it on the way home.

Wow.  What a night!  First thing this morning, he had to attend an Applause Breakfast, where he made some presentations as Trustee.  (His official duties aren't over until the end of June).  We dropped him off there at 7:15am.  (busy boy).  Then.. tonight?  We are off to the Awards night at his school.  We received a letter with tickets because Dana is getting some award.  (I'll tell you about it tomorrow).   It's been a bit of a crunch for us lately.  So many highs.  So many wondrous, and stressful events.  It's hard to even put it out there.  So amazing.  Thanks for reading/listening.  LOL 


Murphy's Law said...

congrats to your son. that had to be a tad intimidating. love the photos - handsome dude.

Kim Faucher said...

What a wonderful achievement... you must be so proud!