Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

I've been working a day ahead all week.  I knew the DAY... but the DATE had me kerfluffled.  That's what happens when the week starts the way mine did. 

A New Layout!
I did a new layout.  I actually quite like this one.  It's a picture of me taken just after I lost my Mom.  A week after.  It's the outfit I bought to go to her funeral.  That's an important note, because I wanted to please her.  It mattered to me a great deal.  :)  I mean.. NOW I think she didn't care.  She was ok.  But THEN.. it was really important.  However.. Here it is!

I decided to try and update my blog.  I came across a great site... and saw that they had some great stuff.  Soooo... I tried to use them.  However... As you can see... it's not working.  Does anyone know how I can get it so that I have a solid background from left to right?  I hate that it's all skinny in the middle. I see other blogs, and I cannot get mine to go like that.  Please????

I have to photograph some stamps tonight.  I'll be giving them away this week... right here.  :)  So you might want to pay attention!! 


Unknown said...

This is a beautiful layout. I love the flowers.

Collette Osuna said...

Hello...thanks for saying HI on my thread yesterday:) Its great seeing you too!! Your layout is awesome!!
Im hoping to do some MAJOR changes to my blog too......:)

Lisa Dorsey said...

Wonderful layout. Wish I could help you with the blog. I have never used their templates. Good luck!

Marlene said...

First - fantastic layout.

Second - your blog looks good to me. Is it the white area you're concerned with? If so - it's the template you're using in blogger, not the shabby blogs background template. Make sure you're not using a 3 column template. That should do the trick.

Tracey Taylor said...

I'm no help on the blog formatting thing, but your page is just lovely!

Denine said...

I have been using the Blogger in draft.

it seems to be much more friendly on editing the backgrounds and has a really simple custimization area. Then you can go to the layout area and put in the code for the background you want.

Hope that helps.

Sandie said...

Thanks guys! And Marlene.. I AM using a 3 column. Geez. I'll change that asap. And check out the other place. :)

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

wonderful layout Sandie!

i love the new look of the blog -- i've never tried templates though . . .